At Laser Focus, we can help sculpt the body you're wanting to achieve with our Evolve X Transform treatment. Evolve X is a non-invasive, hands-free solution that transforms the shape of your muscles while treating fat and improving the overall appearance of your skin.
During your procedure you can expect a warming of your skin and the contraction of the muscles in the specific area being treated. You'll build and strengthen your muscles without ever lifting a finger.
Our Evolve X technology offers the best in body sculpting treatments:
Evolve X provides two procedures in one visit:
Radiofrequency energy (RF) for deep heating of tissue and fat, and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to induce forced muscle contractions that are not achievable during workouts.
The combination allows you to improve your tone and shape quickly and painlessly.
This can vary from patient to patient, as everyone has different needs and goals.
Initially EvolveX may require weekly sessions for three to six weeks.
After the initial treatment we will create a maintenance plan for future follow-ups in order to maintain your results.
Overall, most treatments will last approximately 45-90 minutes. Patients can return to their normal activity immediately after.
Book your appointment or consultation today! When you meet with us, we will provide an assessment of your current needs and discuss with you a customized plan to help you reach your goals.